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Anglais médical - Tout savoir sur les fractures

Publié le 27/05/2015
fracture soin bandage

fracture soin bandage

Photo: Wikipedia (public domain)

Photo: Wikipedia (public domain)

Régulièrement, cette rubrique animée par Virginia Allum, auteur et consultante EMP (English for Medical Purposes), vous permettra, exercices à l'appui, de parfaire votre anglais médical au travers de situations de soins concrètes. Bon travail à tous ! Corrections en fin d'article...

N'hésitez pas à vous servir du dictionnaire en ligne Wordreference. Vous trouverez à la fin de cet article les corrections des exercices qui vous sont proposés téléchargeables au format pdf.

The Bones of the Upper Body

Activity 1 :  Label the diagram using the terms below.

  • clavicle
  • sternum
  • acromion
  • scapula
  • xiphoid process
  • rib
  • humerus
  • manubrium


Activity 2 : Match the terms with their meaning.

1. clavicle a) lower part of the breastbone that eventually fuses with it in middle age
2. sternum b) square-shaped upper part of the sternum
3. manubrium c) long bone which connects the scapula to the sternum (collarbone)
4. xiphoid process d) narrow bone which forms the centre of the chest (breastbone)
5. ribs e) largest bone of the arm
6. scapula f) long, curved bones which protect the chest organs
7. humerus g) bone at the top of the shoulder which joins the clavicle at the acromioclavicular joint
8. acromion flat, triangular bone on the upper back of the body (shoulder blade)

Activity 3 : Complete the information using the words below to help you.

  • movement
  • outstretched
  • circles
  • scapulae
  • acromion
  • bones
  • broken
  • S shape

The clavicles are long (1) _________ which join the scapula to the sternum. The cylinder-shaped bones are around 15 cm long and curved into an (2) ____________ . The clavicles form joints with both the sternum and the (3)_____________ . The sternoclavicular joint joins with the manubrium and the acromioclavicular (AC) joint joins with the (4)_________.

The clavicles help to anchor the arms to the trunk without stopping (5) _____________ of the shoulder joints. In fact, the clavicles allow sufficient movement of the shoulders for the arms to move in large (6)_____________.

The clavicle is one of the most commonly (7) ________ bones in the human body especially after a fall. If the arm is (8) _________________ to try to break the fall, most of the force of the fall results in the shifting of the shoulder. This can easily fracture the clavicle.

The bones of the Lower Body

Activity 4 : Label the diagram using the words below to help you.

  • femur
  • patella
  • tibia
  • fibula
  • hip joint
  • tarsal

Activity 5 : Complete the information about the bones of the lower body.

  • strongest
  • balance
  • protect
  • support
  • ankle
  • pelvis
  • physical
  • tarsus
  • tendons
  • weight
  • flexible
  • attached

The two large, flat hip bones (os coxae) extend to the front and side of the (1) _________ forming the hip joint with the femur or thigh bone on either side of the body. The hip joint is one of the most important joints in the human body because it bears the body’s (2) ________ as well as the force of the muscles of the hip and leg.

The hip joint is very (3) __________ so it allows a greater range of motion than any other joint in the body except for the shoulder.
The femur is the longest, heaviest and (4) ____________ bone in the human body. It supports the entire weight of the body during (5) _____________ activity, e.g. when running, jumping, walking or standing.

The patella or kneecap is a triangular-shaped bone at the front of the knee joint. Muscles hold the patella in place and (6) ___________ attach the patella to upper part of the tibia or shin bone. Its function is to (7) ­­­­­­­­­­_______________ the knee joint.

The tibia is the larger and stronger of the two lower leg bones. It forms the knee joint at the top and the ankle joint at the bottom. The muscles which move the foot and lower leg are (8)____________ to the tibia. Its function is to help (9) __________ the body's weight but it also assists with movement during activities such as standing, walking, running and jumping.

The fibula is a long, thin bone of the lower leg which runs to the side of the tibia. It helps to stabilise the (10) _________ and support the muscles of the lower leg. The fibula is thinner than the tibia because it is not a weight-bearing bone but merely a support bone for the tibia.

The bones of the ankle and foot are responsible for (11) __________ and also support the body during activities such as standing, walking, running, and jumping. The ankle joint is formed by the joining of the tibia and fibula and the (12) _______ or ankle bone of the foot.

Asking about a patient's injuries

Activity 6:  Watch the YouTube video

Answer the questions below.

1. The patient come to hospital to ___________________.

  • a) visit a friend after an accident
  • b) have her injuries assessed
  • c) speak to her mother's doctor

2. The patient may have a _________________.

  • a)  broken ankle
  • b) dislocated shoulder
  • c) broken leg

3. The nurse asks the patient if she ____________________.

  • a) has any cuts or grazes
  • b) has any cuts or bruises
  • c) has a bruise on her shoulder

4. The patient is going to have an X-ray when ______________________.

  • a) the X-ray department gives her an appointment
  • b) the doctor reviews her case
  • c)  the porter arrives to take her

5. The patient has to use a bedpan because she ___________________.

  • a) needs to give the nurse a urine sample
  • b) is not allowed to get out of bed until her X-ray has been checked
  • c) want to go to the toilet urgently

Activity 7 : What Did the Nurse Say?

Match the beginnings and endings of the questions.e) injure yourself?

1. Can I ask you some a) at the moment?
2. Firstly, when did you b) other injuries?
3. How did you c) questions about the accident?
4. Do you have any d)  cuts or grazes?
5. Do you have bruises e) injure yourself?
6. What about f) have the accident?
7. Are you comfortable g) anywhere else?


Activity 8 : Watch the video again and complete the dialogue.

  • (a) have a bruise      
  • (b) put any weight      
  • (c) collect you
  • (d) must have been      
  • (e) been reviewed
  • (f) don't move
  • (g) one of the nurses
  • (h) put on a dressing 

Nurse: Hello, I'm Pauline. I'm (1) __________________ here in the Emergency Department. Can I ask you some questions about the accident?

Patient: Sure.

Nurse: Firstly, when did you have the accident?

Patient: It was this morning. I wanted to go skiing early. I didn't realise that the ground was very icy outside the hotel. 

Nurse: Oh, dear. How did you injure yourself?

Patient: It was silly really. I just wasn't paying attention. I slipped on the ice and fell onto my right leg.

Nurse: That (2) _______________________ very painful.

Patient: Yes, it sure was! I also hurt my shoulder when I fell. I've got a large bruise there already.

Nurse: I see. Do you have any other injuries?

Patient: What do you mean? Apart from my leg?

Nurse: Yes. You said that you (3) ________________ on your shoulder. Do you have bruises anywhere else?

Patient: No. I only bruised my shoulder.

Nurse: What about cuts or grazes?

Patient: Oh, yes. I've got a few small cuts on my leg. I cut myself on some sharp stones on the ground.

Nurse: All right. I'll clean the cuts and (4) _____________________ after you come back from your X-ray.

Patient: OK, thanks.

Nurse: The porter will (5) ____________________ soon to take you for the X-ray. Are you comfortable at the moment?

Patient: I'm OK except that I need to go to the toilet. Can you tell me where the bathroom is?

Nurse: I'm sorry but you can't (6) __________________  on your leg until we check whether it is broken or not. You will have to stay in bed until your X-ray has (7) _____________. I'm afraid you'll have to use a bedpan until then.

Patient: Oh, really? I'm not sure I can do that!

Nurse: I know it's difficult, but it's essential that you (8) __________________ your leg at all. If your leg is broken, moving it could make the fracture much worse.
Patient: All right. I understand.

Nurse: That's good. I'll get one for you now.

À lire - L'anglais infirmier

L'ouvrage “L'anglais infirmier” est destiné à l'enseignement de l'anglais en IFSI et abirde chacune des unites d'enseignement, semestre par semestre, avec :

  • une traduction complète des contenus du programme de chaque unité;
  • le vocabulaire médical se rapportant à la thématique étudiée ;
  • des règles de grammaire expliquées de façon simple et pratique ;
  • des exercices interactifs pour évaluer ses connaissances ;
  • des dialogues entre soignants et patients, basés sur les unités étudiées pour apprendre l'anglais médical en situation concrète.

• GRAHAM-DEBRIS V., EVRARD N., L'anglais infirmier - English in nursing, heures de france, octobre 2014, 255 pages, 17,50€.

Téléchargez les corrections au format PDF

Virginia ALLUM  Author and Consultant in English for Medical Purposes  United Kingdom

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