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Anglais medical: tout savoir sur la rougeole !

Publié le 05/06/2019
Anglais medical: tout savoir sur la rougeole !

Anglais medical: tout savoir sur la rougeole !

Ce nouveau cours d’anglais, élaboré par Virginia Allum, auteur et consultante EMP (English for Medical Purposes) traite de la rougeole ou "measles" en anglais. Les corrigés des exercices sont à retrouver en PDF en bas de page. N'hésitez pas à vous servir du dictionnaire en ligne Wordreference. Vous trouverez à la fin de cet article les corrections des exercices qui vous sont proposés téléchargeables au format pdf.

Activity 1

Match the English term with the correct French translation.

1. MMR a) le refus de toute vaccination
2. runny nose (coryza) b) les petits points blanchâtres
3. rubella c) l’OMS
4. anti-vaxxer d) la rubéole
5. Koplik spots e) rougeole
6. mumps f) éruption cutanée
7. WHO g) une rhinorrhée
8. watery eyes h) oreillons
9. measles i) ROR
10. rash j) les yeux larmoyants

Activity 2

Match the terms with their definitions. Select terms from the table in activity 1

  1. ___________________ : specialised agency which deals with international public health
  2. ___________________ : contagious viral infection which causes swelling on either side of the face
  3. ___________________ : person who opposes vaccination of their children
  4. ___________________ : excessive discharge of liquid from the eyes
  5. ___________________ : viral infection causing a short-term rash which is dangerous during pregnancy
  6. ___________________ : vaccine: a combination vaccination which prevents measles, mumps and rubella
  7. ___________________ : highly infectious viral illness which can cause serious complications
  8. ___________________ : clusters of white spots on the mucous membrane which occur a few days before a measles rash
  9. ___________________ : liquid discharge from the nose caused by inflamed nasal tissue
  10. ___________________ :   red bumps on the skin which eventually cover most of the body

Activity 3

Complete the description using the terms below.

  • spread
  • runny nose
  • airborne
  • fever
  • white spots bumps
  • mucus
  • complications
  • blotchy
  • photosensitivity

The Symptoms of Measles


The initial symptoms of the illness develop around 10 days after a person has been infected. The measles virus is an _____________ virus which lives in the nose and throat _____________ of an infected person. It is easily transmitted to others through coughing and sneezing and can even live for up to two hours in the airspace around an infected person who has just coughed or sneezed.

The symptoms of the illness are similar to those of a bad cold, including a _____________ (coryza), coughs and sneezes. The eyes become red, sore and watery. This can cause _____________ which is helped by remaining in a darkened room. Initially, small _____________ (Koplik spots) appear on the inside of the cheeks.

A few days after, a reddish _____________ rash will appear starting on the head and neck and gradually spreading over the rest of the body.  Small raised _____________ also appear on top of the flat, red rash. When the rash appears, patients often have a _____________ which may reach around 400C.

An infected person can _____________ the disease from four days before the rash appears until four days afterwards. Around 30% of people with measles experience one or more _____________ Unfortunately, children under the age of 5 are more likely to have measle-related complications such as pneumonia, encephalitis and serious ear infections which may lead to hearing loss.

Activity 4

Read the article and answer the questions.


Measles is a highly contagious viral illness which can lead to serious complications.  Because the disease is easily transmitted, anyone can become infected, if they have not been vaccinated.

In 1757, a Scottish physician, Francis Home, showed that measles could be transmitted via the blood from an infected person to an uninfected person. He inoculated 12 people with blood infected with the measles virus resulting in ten out of his subjects contracting measles.

By 1912, measles had been recognised as a serious illness and became a notifiable disease in the United States, so that all diagnosed cases of the illness had to be reported to a public health authority. Around 6,000 cases of measles were reported annually in the first decade of reporting.

Before a vaccine became available in 1963, most children got measles by the age of 15. Of the people who were infected by the measles virus in the US, around 400 to 500 people died each year and many others suffered from serious complications like encephalitis.

Measles had been declared eliminated from several countries by 2000. Elimination of a disease is classified as a documented absence of a. disease for over 12 months. The implementation of a highly effective vaccination program was instrumental in the elimination of the disease. Unfortunately, recently measles cases have been reported in increasing numbers globally prompting concerns about a resurgence of the disease.

  1. Measles is considered to be a serious illness, because…
    1. a)    it is highly contagious
    1. b)    it causes additional health issues
    1. c)    it is easily passed on
  2. Measles is transmitted…
    1. a)    through viral inoculation
    1. b)     as a blood-borne virus
    1. c)    between infected patients
  3. A disease is notifiable, if it …
    1. a)    results in serious public health problems
    1. b)    is part of a large health study
    1. c)    causes death in large numbers
  4. Measles became less of a health problem…
    1. a)    after a vaccine program was introduced
    1. b)    after the disease was understood better
    1. c)    after treatment of the disease improved
  5. In the 21st century, measles…
    1. a)    has been eradicated in most places
    1. b)    has lessened in importance in many countries
    1. c)    has reappeared as a significant public health issue

Téléchargez les corrections au format PDF

Virginia ALLUM  Author and Consultant in English for Medical Purposes

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